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Full Version: Slime the Dice
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"And yet we merely survive...ah, this talk has circled back."  The slime diverted the conversation back to its original offer.  "Again, your kind seeks my core, or what may pass for it.  I can shed and harden a bit of myself to mimic my core, and I only ask that you depart from this nest."
Baduba had her baton at the ready, but so far she hadn't interfered. Firstly, she didn't want to kill sentient beings, and this slime was clearly sentient. Secondly, she hoped that Dawn would be able to negotiate and resolve the matter peacefully.
"If my partner doesn't do anything stupid, then I accept this offer of yours," Dawn replied, of course calling out Baduba.
The slime pushed out...what could pass as a slime-made "core".
"Thanks..." Dawn looked around. "Aight, imma head out. Come on, Baduba. Let's get outta here before you think about doing anything stupid," Dawn said as she made her way out.
And so...This adventure has ended.

The guild accepted the "core" and paid the girls their due (with Dawn selling some of her finds). They did inform the guild of the missing adventurers, and while they were eventually rescued, the slimes had abandoned that cave thus selling the idea that the nest was cleared out.

The girls would not have to worry about slimes until another nest quest pops up, but that is a story for another time.


So, how did you feel about the use of the Adventure Dice?
The way I see it, despite the intention that the Adventure Dice is for kids to have fun and easy adventures, in a Forum roleplaying setting, they aren't as tactile or accessible as traditional dice like d6s and d20s. The only times I tried to roll, I had to map panels out on a d6 and even then, I regularly had no clue what die I should be using. I don't think you were all that keen on my need to map things out on a d6 either. I had to leave the rolls up to you unlike in any other RP where I could just pick up a d20 and fire away.

Overall, I'd rate it as "Hardly viable."
I would admit that it seemed to be a useful action generator at first, yet there were times I felt it was weighted as either too lenient or too skully. It probably doesn't help that I don't know the cues for character advantages.

Hm, perhaps the fact that a lot of items spawned might not make this balanced for combat. Maybe an event reaction, but probably not suitable for some encounters.
It was an interesting experience that can be repeated someday. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to devote much time to the forum in the last few days.

But this system could use a little ballance.
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