Bastian Fan-Boards

Full Version: Swimming in LCL
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LCL is the liquid that NERV uses to store and rejuvenate Evangelion in, and considering the size of the mechs, the mech storage areas are big enough to operate as a deep-dive pool.  LCL is also breathable, which is why pilots are submerged in their cockpits and why crew members can conduct repairs without requiring diving or climbing equipment.  For the less serious members, these areas also double as swimming pools.

[Image: normal_shinji_fish_colour.jpg]
Considering that NERV also fabricates its own rubbber plugsuits, it was easy for someone like pilot Asuka to request a custom one and vacuum-seal it around pilot Shinji.  While the design is similar to a fish, the lack of meaningful locomotion had Shinji drifting down rather than swimming.
[Image: normal_Rubber_Dolphin_Girls.jpg]
It went without saying that NERV could improve Asuka's design, so thicker fins and allowing the use of arms (if in a limited fashion).  Due to current cockpit design, though, these aquatic suits are only for recreation.