Kink Talk: Tyin' Night Tuesday Week 2
So we're back with Girlfriend and her...
[Image: download.png]
...Well, I'm gonna call that thing her pet beep because he beeps a lot and I dunno what else he's supposed to be. Anyway, we're back with Girlfriend and her pet beep: Boyfriend. Last time, these two were in some park rap-battling a delinquent and then a girl-shaped pile of bubble gum that can fluently speak Beep. Now, we find the two of them in an asylum. GF was bound in a Psycho II straitjacket, which somehow came in size 5T (probably a custom order or some shit) and is wearing a diaper instead of her dress. As for Boyfriend, well, he had to hold his mic somehow, so nothing bondage-y here. Anyway, Week 2, who are BF and GF gonna have to rap-battle against this time?

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Kink Talk: Tyin' Night Tuesday Week 2 - by Flashlight237 - 04-12-2022, 05:59 PM

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