Noting Nonsense
[Image: E5F3Wx-X0AM1zKq?format=jpg&name=900x900]
So I just found a weird doll on my porch.  I didn't know who left it there, but there was no way I was going to leave it out where my neighbors could see it.  

Anyway, I had a better look at the doll.  I thought it was more like an armless bust with an attached stand, but I saw fingers poking out below the hips and feet sticking out of the bottom of the base, which actually keeps the doll upright even when I almost tipped it over.  Otherwise, the doll from the crotch up is surprisingly well detailed for a doll, though the smile seems a bit off.  The smile is pretty wide, almost Joker-level without showing the gums.

Actually, that isn't the only weird thing about it.  I left the doll in the living room and went to my bedroom to wait for the doll's owner, though when I took a glance down the hallway, the doll was facing this room.  Maybe I put it down like that, but it's odd that it's perfectly facing this direction.
[Image: Beta.png]
Okay, the doll is rocking side to side.  And it's not like the time I knocked it over, where it wobbled like a punching bag.  It kind leans one way before swinging its body to the other side.  Of course I didn't touch it, and it doesn't seem like it's losing any momentum.  Does it run on batteries?

I thought I could tilt the doll a bit more and see if there was any info on the bottom, but the doll is pretty much stuck there.  At least I'm living alone, though I never planned to have any tacky decor in the open.  Still no one coming to claim the doll.  

I do wonder if anyone has seen this kind of doll before.
[Image: Beta.png]
The doll has stopped dancing today and I want to say it's back to normal, but now it's sporting a big belly, probably the size of an exercise ball. I poked it out of curiosity, and I jumped back in surprise as something in there started punching and kicking! I'm talking about whole limbs flying about with faces pressing against the belly. I have to assume it's some sort of weird mechanism in this doll because there's no way there could be that many bodies in there!

Eventually, the "rumble" seems to subside and the belly became perfectly round once more. I was planning to give it another poke, but I then saw a face, hands and feet press against the belly and stay there. I poked it some more and even tried to talk to her (the face in the belly), but I didn't get much of a response.

Well, nothing much to do except wait it out, I guess.
[Image: Beta.png]
The doll doesn't have a big belly anymore, though it's bent over. I can see what could be its asshole. Well, even if I wasn't being respectful to whoever owns this doll, the things it already did makes me skeptic of playing with it. However, I couldn't really leave it alone, so I decided to grab a broom and poke the hole with the top side.

Somehow, I lost a broom, and I'm very hesitant to insert anything else in it.
[Image: Beta.png]
I shouldn't be surprised at this point, so when I returned home after buying a new broom, I was surprised.  There was an actual living girl embedded in the doll. She was kinda sitting with her face exposed below the doll's own, knees held up by the doll's own embedded hands, and her hands positioned over where her breast and crotch would be.  She seemed to be out of it, though when I asked how she was, she managed to say she's okay.  I was going to try cutting her out, but she told me not to hurt her...the doll I mean.  She didn't object to me pulling her out, though I was admittingly cautious in cause the doll was sticky.

Somehow, I managed to get the girl out and brought her to my bathroom to get cleaned up.  When I went to get water for her, the doll was back in one piece, but I finally got answers from the girl...after she was dressed up, of course.

So apparently the doll was her friend before she was transformed into this "Nonsense" form.  The girl and her friends (the other faces from the belly incident) were drunk at the time and chose to play with the Nonsense, so when one of them got sucked up by it, the others tried to grab the victim and got sucked up as well.  And, well, this isn't the first time one of them was freed, but she wants to stay with the Nonsense in case it decided to move(?) again.  I mean, I guess I get the context that she rather stay with her friends in a strange situation rather than have freedom with a stranger.

I brought out some blankets so she could sleep on the couch.  I hope things work out for them.
[Image: Beta.png]
The girl and the Nonsense are gone. Logic thinks that the girl took the Nonsense, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was the other way around. The whole thing felt like a dream.

Sometimes, I wonder what could have happened if I lost my virginity to what I thought was a doll. I'd imagine that the meeting would have been awkward if I wasn't absorbed first. Well, I guess I'd never know.


So, do you guys have anything strange to share about these Nonsenses, or am I just imagining things?
[Image: Beta.png]

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