Kink Talk: A Whole Different Show starring Peach
((Since Princess Peach: Showtime! is out, I can do this sort of RP properly this time. Peach is such a lovely lady, so I figured... Why not?))

Peach is out in the grasslands looking over a flyer in her hand. "Mmm... Seems there's a show that will happen in... Oh! Why, this isn't Sparkle Theater at all..! But still a show is a show... Hmm, but just what is this place..?" Peach walked along as she examined the flyer.
If peach kept walking for 2 miles she would come across the theatre

The theatre appeared to have at least four doors one barricaded, one with a pair of shoes that resembled the ones worn by goombas, one with an explorer outfit and one with a schoolgirl outfit
((Oh hey, you discovered commas. Neat.))

Peach looked at the barricaded door and, like any good video game character would, immediately assumed that door is locked off and she'll have to get back to it later. This left Peach with three other doors. And of course, the one with the shoes perhaps made the least sense, so... Peach decided to go into the door with the shoes.
Inside the shoe door peach would notice a note on the shoes saying put us on for an adventure
"Oh! Right from the start, huh?" Peach said. "Well, if you insist..." Peach took heels off. She then put on the strange shoes.
Almost immediately the dull black room begun to transform into a parkour course with tricky platforming with rising platforms and abysses leading to a large spider web and spider enemies roaming around the room with a pewter crown resting at the end of the room… there was only one problem… since they were goomba shoes peach could only jump as well as one she had to rely on timing to complete this course.
"Okay, no problem. Just the usual platforming shtick." Peach ran until she reached the first moving platform and... The moment she jumped, she barely managed to land on the platform. "Whoa... Okay... That might make things a bit difficult..."
((I should of worded myself peach can still move wothout jumping its just that her jump height has been reduced significantly think of the mario wonder levels where your turned into a goomba)
(06-13-2024, 05:11 PM)Hisbraingoingthrough Wrote: ((I should of worded myself peach can still move wothout jumping its just that her jump height has been reduced significantly think of the mario wonder levels where your turned into a goomba)

((My bad. I misread. I went back and fixed my last message.))
The platform rised until it reached a girder surrounded by empty barrels and spider enemies obviously jumping on the spiders was outta the question if only she had a disguise
With this being the first level, the thing the level wanted Peach to do was pretty clear. Peach went to an empty barrel, then hid in it.
The spider walked around until it reached the barrel the princess was hiding in . It stood there for a while then after a couple seconds of nothingness it walked off.
Yep. She called it. From there, Peach would proceed onward... Hiding in a barrel every once in a while to hide from the spiders.
Eventually she left the girder and came across three platforms with whomps falling vertically attempting to crush anything they saw . And they were far apart with gaps these gaps looked easily passible … with a unhindered jump. Then she saw a whomp approaching very slowly… enough time to see a sign posted behind her.
Peach stopped to read the sign, being cautious as she did so.
The sign read “if only you had a bridge…” then the whomp started walking faster towards peach… until he complety cornered her and WHAM! … he missed peach just barely due to its poor eyesight.
Peach looked at the Whomp that tried to get her, freaked out over the fact that she nearly got killed. Once she got over the shock of the event, Peach elected to get away from the Whomp while it laid there. She'd like to jump on top of the Whomp, but her jumps were reduced to half the height of a brick block. I checked.
It appears peach would be stuck… unless the whomp didnt have dont push spray painted on its backside… peachs jumping abilities were gone but not her super strength Peach once hit bowser so hard with an umbrella he was sent flying pushing a large whomp to get stuck in the crevaces was no problem.
Granted people usually draw Peach getting tied up in whatever scenario they can think of, but still... Anyway, Peach started pushing the Whomp, which... While it made her strain, it didn't make her strain any more or less than the average block puzzle would.
Suddenly the whomp was laying flat completely trapped between the gaps making a perfect bridge peach just had to do that two more times

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