Total tied island
Meanwhile Harley drove a jetski carrying a large suitcase with the word “Nicole” sticky noted on the front. Suddenly Giselle spoke to her with a walkie talkie. “Remember to leave the island unnoticed the whole ordeal falters if your noticed.”

Meanwhile Nina spoke to Gemma. “So i say we ambush Julia and Jane first!”
Dawn felt something odd.
"What up, Dawn?" Emma asked.
"I sense a strange energy speeding along all the way back at the starting point. It isn't Nina and her buddy, that's for sure. It's too fast for anyone's canoes to stack up. It's unimportant right now. Let's keep sailing."
Emma felt weirded out, but just kept an eye out for any danger.
Jemma nodded in agreement, “Not a bad idea. I still won't be able to fight against a team that has Jess in it. And the team of TV stars has a map. But tomboy and athlete will be easy prey if we attack them suddenly.”

At that moment, Jane and Julia simultaneously hiccuped, “It looks like someone is talking about us now.”
Since the girls did not have a map, they decided to first sail away from the other teams and hide from their gazes, and then act according to circumstances.

Jess turned to Kitty, “Hey, partner. How about we swim around the island and wait on the opposite shore while the others tie each other up? And then, with fresh forces, we will easily defeat the winner.”
Sorry for bad English. This is not my native language.
Giselle then got a call from her phone . On the other end was a gruff Samuel L jackson like voice, “just a reminder when your editing yesterday’s episode for television, please REMOVE ANY SCENES WE’RE IN!” Giselle responded “right away sir ill tell several interns to do the job Mr. H”.

Nina armed herself with tape and astuffed a straitjacket in a cannon.
"Wait, what do you mean swim?" Kitty asked. "Aren't there usually sharks in this lake?"
Jane and Julia took their ship behind a small cliff and prepared to meet anyone who approached them. Julia loaded the cannon with a lot of mummification bandages.

“I don't think there are sharks here,” - Jess said - “and maybe I put it wrong. I didn't mean swimming, but sailing on a ship.”
Sorry for bad English. This is not my native language.
"Ohhh..!" Kitty giggled. "Roger that!" Kitty aimed the sail a little off to the side of the island.

While Emma loaded straitjackets into the cannons, Dawn had her own idea for defense. She had conscripted some of the local trout near the ship. "Recon, eyes on the other ships."

And so, Dawn's trout spread out, aiming to spy on the other ships.

Dawn Confessional

"Nina may have copied the map Emma won," Dawn said. "But that's only one part of the puzzle we need to worry about. Ultimately it's how we play and how others play the game that would decide who wins this."

End Confessional
Nina then saw jess and kit near them, then shrugged and said “i guess we no other choice besides if we dont tie up jess people will think we are taking sides which will be more suspicious.”

Speaking of suspicion, Giselle told harley an admonishment . “You have to take the steeper course away from the island and get rid of that stupid sticky note are you trying to get caught?” Harley responded “of course boss!” She ripped up the sticky note . “Alright Giselle all i have to now is send her back to the city and the other contestants wont know squat!” Said the intern as the religious woman struggled in the suit case.
Kitty, of course, is cutely singing sea shanties. "15 men on a dead man's chest~♪ Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum~♪ 15 men on a dead man's chest~♪ Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum~♪" She's so dang cute.
Jemma hesitantly replied: “There is some truth in what you say. But I'm afraid if I tie Jess up, then after this challenge is over, she'll give me such a spanking that I won't be able to sit for a week. Maybe we'll attack them for show, but tie up another girl? I think her name is Kitty.”

Jess started singing along to Kitty. She was steering the ship in the chosen direction (to the other side of the island) and had not yet noticed Nina's and Jemma's ship.

Jane and Julia armed themselves with ropes, duct tape and ballgags, after which Julia stood up to the cannon and both began to vigilantly inspect the water expanses around them so as not to miss the approach of the rival ships.
- “Oh, look” - Jane pointed to the water near their ship - “There are so many trout here and they are frolicking so sweetly near our ship”
- “Indeed. But this is a rather strange behavior for a fish...” - Julia highlighted. And then her attention was attracted by some small white object floating next to them.
- “What is it?” - tomboy-girl grabbed the butterfly net and pulled out the find. It was a piece of sticker that Harley had thrown away. By a strange coincidence, the current brought him directly to Julia and Jane's ship. On the scrap was written “Nico...”.
- “I wonder what that could mean? By the way, I haven't seen this religious woman named Nicole for a long time. And you?”
Jane admitted that she also did not see Nicole after she was taken away for punishment. The girlfriends began to discuss what the scrap of note they had found might mean, and where Nicole might have gone. They got so carried away that they forgot about watching the surroundings.
Sorry for bad English. This is not my native language.
Nina sighed and gave jemma a sign of relief “you attack Kitty and i attack Jess that way shell be mad at me and ill just calm her down when things get hectic.” Nina then loudly whistled atJess before-telling her to “issmay onay urposepay”
Kitty saw the two after hearing Nina yell out. "Oh! Hi~!" Kitty cutely waved at the other girls.
Nina confessional start

“Man that girl’s a moron, hot but a moron!

End confessional 

Nina continued to get Jess’s attention “ealday ithway ethey eapay ainbray!”
Annoyed, Kitty fired off the first shot, firing off a tape bomb directly at Nina.

Kitty Confessional

"Just because I love having fun doesn't mean I'm a pea brain..! Lindsay, as cute and cuddly as she is, would think Pig Latin is a whole new language."

End Confessional
Almost at the same time, Jemma shot a straitjacket at Kitty.
- “A thousand sea devils and one witch!” - cursed Jess and began to take the ship out of the enemy cannon's range (but of course she could not force the ship to dodge the first shot)
Sorry for bad English. This is not my native language.
Nina’s left leg was then bound in a lotus position. “Ha! Thats not all of me so that doesnt count.” Shed fire a bolo at kitty’s legs then a latex covering at Jess’s arms.
((And what happened to the straitjacket that Jemma shot at Kitty?))
Sorry for bad English. This is not my native language.
((Wait til flash responds to that its still there but i presumed it only went after her arms but i will wait til i get further confirmation))

((For now respond to Jess getting shot with a latex covering)))
Kitty got hit with the straitjacket, the canvas coat magically binding Kitty. Cartoon logic is weird like that. "Shiver me timbers!" Kitty said. "I've been turned into a loony!"
Jess tried to jump away from Nina's shot, but the projectile hit her tangentially. As a result, the girl's right hand was covered with a long latex glove without fingers (but her hand remained free, but the right palm turned into a kind of sealskin cape).

- "Damn bitches! When it's over, Jame... that is, Jemma will get a good spanking!" - Jess swore and began hastily loading the gun with handcuffs, chains and shackles.

- "We won't be able to fight them for long in this state," - she told her partner, - "I'll try to disable that bitch Nina, and you pedal with your feet ((Actually, I have no idea how the girls set the ships in motion)). If we escape from them, we can free each other."
Sorry for bad English. This is not my native language.

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