"think I would of preferred the lake to this" April, groaned, gagging slightly as she frantically squirmed in the net trying to slip free and onto the wooden walk-ways, not wanting to drop into the water bellow.
A haggard Hornkin with long dark hair drudged up to the hanging girls.

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"Uhh.... Who are you?" Ella asked.
"uhhh ..... hi?" April awkwardly waved as she froze like a statue under the hornkin stair, her cheeks burning with a slight blush. "h-how are you?"
The Hornkin held her staff up menacingly. "Tell me...why should I answer those who would be sent to the Queen anyway? And don't say you'll help me with my issue."
[Image: Beta.png]
"what wrong? did something happen?" April asked worriedly.
"And how can we claim to help you when we don't even know what your problem is, IF you even have one? At least Devonn and Skitts had some sense of reason."

((I mean she would know; she spent her entire share of the battle talking her way through and spent most of her time with Skitts performing with her, even though Ella's share is just the boss battle.))
"...Three brats have stolen my property. They have eluded me so far." The Hornkin admitted. She seems to ponder an idea. "But they would not know you. If you hunt down those brats and return my property, I shall, as Town Captain of this swamp, allow you free passage through this swamp."

Left unsaid is what would happen if they refused to help.
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"Three children..." Ella said. "And do you know what they looked like?"
"certainly, we would be happy to help" April nodded vigorously. "what are the items they stole? and who are we looking for?"
"They wear a symbol of mockery on their masks proudly, the same on my property, a...statue." The Hornkin cut them down, but not before handing them four seeds. "Use these seeds to capture them."

The Hornkin hobbled away. "And do not worry about finding them. They will certainly find you."
[Image: Beta.png]
"Hmm... Well, that might make things a little easier..." Ella then looked at the seeds. "Hmm... These seeds remind me of the old fairytale: Jack and the Beanstalk..."
"so we just gotta explore? walk around for them? ... that seems easy enough, shall we check out her statue first then?" April quickly scrambled to her feet, taking two of the offered four seeds while dusting herself off.
Ella and April wander on the walkways of the swamp, eventual passing by a pool of grubby big grubs the size of beachballs.  The sight of them alone was so distracting that they were not prepared for people to swing from the treetops and kick them into said pool!

"Ha! What a couple of wet blankets!"  The pink-haired Hornkin told her blond friends.  These are definitely the theives the captain spoke of since their masks sported mocking faces.
[Image: Beta.png]
"Hannah, I think we found them..." Ella deadpanned as she climbed out.
"you don't say?" April sarcastically remarked as she quickly scrambled out of the pool, making sure to avoid the grubs, unsure of what they where or if they even did anything, "and really? thats the best insult you could come up with? wet blanket?"
"That's what goes with a bed!" One of the blondes pulled a rope that sent a mattress swinging at the humans as the three troublemakers split up and ran further into the swamp.
[Image: Beta.png]
"a whole mattress! seriously! what is this, loony tunes?!" April couldn't help but yelp out, squealing in surprise as she quickly ducks out of the way of the swinging mattress, before scrambling to chase after one of the disappearing figures of the troublemaker
"Ella, of course, made her way after one of the other kids.

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