"... wouldn't it have been better to ask where we could possibly find her?" April hummed, tilting her head to the side.
"My guess is that she'll be snooping around Synthorn in the morning, then checking up on Esylum in the afternoon, kinda the opposite of me if she were the type to snoop around."  Claire guessed.  "I also know that, at night, she and I will meet at the inn between to figure out this Esylum-Synthorn mess.  Maybe if we had extra voices to push the argument in our favor..."
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"... oppsie, there goes one" April chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of her head apologetically, not really meaning to use a question, especially one so close to Ella but ..."well at least we know her schedule, and where we can help out."
"Mmm... I personally feel trying to find the middle ground is a better option, but that's just me."
Claire shrugged and put the restraints away. "Speaking of which, I better meet up with Claire again. Hopefully we get somewhere."

And Claire escorted the two out of the warehouse before heading to the middle of the towns.


When Ella and April approach the inn at night, they would find Lilith standing outside the door, worriedly looking at it before spotting the girls.

"Ah, hello again. I don't think you should go inside yet. It sounds like whatever the captains are talking about is very sensitive." Lilith warned them. "From the sound of it, both sides are set in their philosophies. If you want to change their minds, I believe it'll be better to talk to them in the morning."
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"Mmmm... I've a feeling those two might be some hard eggs to crack," Ella said.
Lilith nodded. "Well, we can spend the night catching up until they leave."
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"but our rooms are in there...." April couldn't help but let out a mixture of a groan and a sigh, walking away from the inn for now, waving to Lilith. "heya lil, how are you?" she asked, mentally going over if she could sneak back into the warehouse tonight ... or wait till the morning.

The girls got lost in a discussion about sweaters. It was still night, but Lilith noticed Elizabeth and Claire were no longer in the inn when they couldn't talk about sweaters any longer.

"Well, I should be heading back now. Thank you for the talk."
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"Hey, no sweat." Ella sighed. "Wow, I never knew her thing for sweaters went back to her grandma."
"... I didn't think there was that much to talk about sweaters" April yawned, heading straight into the inn and to her room, falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
Ella went back into the inn with April, sleeping alongside her.
Morning came. Time for another day of questionable coffee and hoping you guys know what you're doing.
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"well ... we have an idea what to do now, get them to change their minds, even if only slightly." April mumbled out as she got up, yawning and stretching her arms above her head, before heading out, back over to Synthorn, hoping to catch Elizabeth while she was over there ... and totally not going to check out the warehouse again.
Guess we're even in the snark department then..!

"Yeah, may as well..." Ella followed April out the building. May as well kill two birds with one stone with her.
Finding who might be Elizabeth in this modern city was surprisingly not difficult as they found a Hornkin wearing a cloak who was gazing at some televisions.
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Ella made her approach. She first looked at the TVs, then back at Elizabeth. For all she knows, there could just be static on those TVs, but regardless, Ella simply turned to Elizabeth and said, "Hey."
Elizabeth was surprised but calmed down seeing the humans. She at least tried to blend in without a mask, revealing a stern but beautiful face. "These television were the first thing Claire wanted to make. We cannot see what the humans see much less make our own shows, something about rocks dampening signals. For now, they make videos, mostly of acting out a story or walking around. Nothing of...usefulness yet."
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"Yeah. I can see how a whole mountain can get in the way," Ella replied. "Where we came from, our TVs used to have their signals blocked from something far less dense than rock: rain. Then the internet came along."
"hmm? how so? this is a great way to help people to relax, enjoy, and even express themselves, either by creating something new, or bring old stories to life, with their own takes on things or sticking to the script" April hummed curiously, wondering what she meant. "allowing them to reach a younger audience, but also more people. not only that but if you where able to create video's that you have to have a means of saving those videos for future use."

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