Bondage Blocks in the Blocks Bodega
"eeeeeeeEEEKKK!!!" could be heard from the pipes as a purple toad came tumbling out of the pipes, bouncing off the giant mushrooms once or twice before dropping to the ground groaning. she had palish skin, emerald greens eyes, and looked like she could be toadette's twin, other then the fact that she only had one tail hanging over her shoulder instead of toadette's two, like a braid of sorts, and her name was Hannah (cause I am not that original Xp)

"ugggaa .... I should have listen to the princess and big sis .... but I was so curious....* Hannah whined, rubbing her head as she sat up, curiously looking around to where the 'forbidden' pipe had taken her, looking at the scene before her curiously.

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RE: Bondage Blocks in the Blocks Bodega - by bond56 - 04-12-2023, 01:31 PM

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