Kink Talk: A Whole Different Show starring Peach
"This is a bit risky, but..." Peach made a move to... Intentionally goad one of the whomps into trying to smash her.
The whomp again missed making a perfect bridge the last whomp however was wearing spectacles of all things could the plan still work?
Peach figured, why wouldn't it? A whomp is still a whomp; it's still gonna try and smash her into the ground. And so she did the same trick.
However instead of smashing to the ground it begun to chase her.
Oh boy..!" Peach started to run away.
However she was only fast as the normal goomba which is isnt very. Luckily, the whomp barely missed peach only snagging a part of her dress.
"Oh!" Peach grabbed the hem of her dress, then gave it a little wriggle and a tug. She managed to pull the dress out without tearing it. Looking at the camera, Peach said, "Yeah, I've been lewded enough times to know what would happen if I tried moving away with my dress caught in something." That being said, Peach pushed the Whomp into the last gap.
Now she was at the last part of the challenge. The crown was all the way up on a grass plain to get up there. Peach had to go on an approaching bubble pattern that when popped breifly rose her up to the next bubble until she reached the top she had to do this without falling off and quickly too the floor was starting to wither.
"Oh dear..!" Peach swiftly hopped off. At first, the leap of faith made it pretty clear that she'll be doing into the abyssal spider web below. After a bit of falling, however, she landed on a bubble, which caused her to jump up past what her shoes would have allowed her. Well! That ain't bad... And so, Peach took a little time to figure out the pattern, using the bubbles that popped with each bounce she made as a leverage while she did.
She was almost at the crown but she noticed the final bubble was a bit smaller then the rest her timing had to be flawless.
(06-14-2024, 11:13 AM)Hisbraingoingthrough Wrote: She was almost at the crown but she noticed the final bubble was a bit smaller then the rest her timing had to be flawless.

To make sure Peach had the right timing, Peach went back and forth on the bubbles before. From there, Peach knew she would have the right height, so... Peach went for it and... With a well-timed jump, she managed to clear the gap.
She made to the crown she was able to take the shoes off and put her heels back on and woth that the first of 4 crowns were discovered the barricaded door was still barraicaded giving peach the choice of the explorer outfit or the schoolgirl outfit
"Yeah, I knew that door wouldn't be accessible." Peach then decided... She would go into the door marked with an explorer hat.
When she entered she was almost immediately wearing a zipped up exploler jacket , blue tight jeans that showed off her curves and her hair has turned into a bob. She appeared to be in a dark cave with the only light source coming from a flashlight she was equipped with.
"Wow! So, this is the first time I would actually take on a role in this place. Guess the Goomba level is just a tutorial level of what I should expect and this is where the theater really shines." Peach pulled the flashlight out of her pocket, then shined it into the cave.
Upon using the flashlight , she would see an unpolished beige stone floor and a small chibi skeleton who was running around panicking. Surely that cant be good.
(06-14-2024, 11:48 AM)Hisbraingoingthrough Wrote: Upon using the flashlight , she would see an unpolished beige stone floor and a small chibi skeleton who was running around panicking. Surely that cant be good.

"Oh dear!" Peach decided to approach the skeleton. Maybe if she could see what's wrong with the skeleton, she could get a better idea of what she's up against.
The skeleton looked at peach and begun rapidly shaking its head. “No, no! It cant be! Someone came?  In case you dont know this cave is the Great jungle cave of 3 puzzles complete all 3 you win a magnificent treasure fail at least one your stuck here! Ive been trapped in this cave now going on about 100 years and i think no ones come here to save me in about 72 of those 100 years”
"No worries. I can help you out of here. I just need to see what the puzzles are and you'll be outta here lickety-split!" Peach walked around a bit. "Now then, let's see what the first puzzle is..."
“Then your gonna need this” he handed out A scraper. If peach looked at the walls with her flashlight the walls were awfully muddy. “The first puzzle clues were hidden behind these muddy walls”

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