"Mmh! I see..!" Ella replied. "Well, that should work I hope."
"hmm? oh yeah, th-thats me" April chuckled awkwardly as she scanned around for any signs of skitts, her cheeks still burning with a blush. "I'm s-sorry I didn't get your name last time ... a-and yeah, th-that are rather interesting"
"That's great. Personally, I don't understand the appeal of magic, but she's happy, and that's what really matters, doesn't it?" The scarved Hornkin introduced himself. "Ah, you don't mind volunteering again, don't you?"

Skitts popped up before the box. "Ladies and Hornkin, it is I, Skitts the Magnificence! For far too long, you have wondered 'can we kill the humans?' Well, I will show you that, with their magic, we have power over life and death! Any volunteers?"


Lilith had Ella step into the sack then began buttoning up the front of the seam, stretching the holes over each fist-sized button. The sack stops at Ella's neck, which becomes a collar.
[Image: Beta.png]
"I d-don't know, that one seems like a dangerous t-trick and I originally j-just wanted to talk to her..." April mumbled, taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down and hopefully cool her cheeks off, while she curiously scanned the box, if this was the trick she was thinking of then ....

"s-sure, i-if you don't mind r-repeat volunteers?" April raised her hand, acting without really thinking as she slipped to the front once more.
Harley pondered about the sacks use . “Will it even fit me?.”
"Ah, we only have one of each 'restraint'." Lilith admitted before she pulled out a sweater with long sleeves. "While she tests that, you can try this instead."

The sweater turns out to be more like a straitjacket, where it had to be buttoned up in the front with extended sleeves slipped through a strap in the front and knotted behind her back.

...The straitjacket stretched enough to be snug on Harley.


"Ah, facing me once more are you? Step right in..." Skitts had Hannah lay in the box, head out one side and feet out another before closing the lid. She then pulled out a sword. "And now...to chop you in half!"

And she swung down!

...Only to thunk against the box.

And she swung down again!

...Only to thunk against the other half of the box.

And she swung down one more time.

...You see where this is going. (She thunked the box)

"...Of course, I'm not a swordsman, but I am more familiar with the spell on the other side." Skitts opened the lid and ushered April out, and once the girl did so, Skitts was already in the box. "Now, take up the blade and cut directly in the middle. Don't worry, the spell will make me live!"
[Image: Beta.png]
"Well, in any case, this stuff feels cozy," Ella said as she squirmed in her sack. "Must be the wool."
Harley snuggled in her restraints and felt overwhelmed. “This reminds me when I was fighting a possessed doll.”
April squeaked and squealed nervously with every new sword, every swing, flinching at every thunk. She had to harshly bit down on her lip and close her eyes just to stop herself from reacting badly, only letting out a breath of relief she didn't know she was holding until she was out of the box and back on her feet, checking herself over.

"a-a-are you sure?" she eventually asked after having calmed herself down, and scrounged up the courage to grab one of the swords, hesitantly holding it over the box.
"I trust you, whatever your name is!"

Azuros sent a silent prayer to Skitts.


"Ah, feel free to break out of it." Lilith encouraged, then realized what she said. "Oh, if you break it, you buy it...but you're doing this to get money in the first place, but we can't make money out of this if it is actually breakable..."

Steam can be seen coming out of Lilith's ears.
[Image: Beta.png]
Ella raised an eyebrow. "Is something wrong?"
"i-its April .. a-and well, a-at this point if you ever n-need an a-assistant" April added at the end jokingly, in an attempt to hide her nerves as she brought down the swords, plunging them through the box.
"...I am alive!" Skitts triumphantly yelled as the other half wheeled away. "Thank you! Thank you..."

After the crowd dispersed, Skitts looked around before pushing out of the top half of the box, revealing that she is in one piece. She then realizes that April is still there.

"Ah! You...would keep this a secret, would you?"


"Uh, nothing." Lilith shook the ideas out of her head. "So...uh, whenever you're finished playing around, just talk to me."
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"Okay then." And so, Ella squirmed in the sack. Given the material (wool), it was certainly comfy, if a bit on the itchy side. I think comfort was the intention with the material, since wool isn't the strongest material out there. "Well, I certainly think this material is comfortable. It's almost like a sleeping bag of sorts."
"huh? o-oh sure...." April nodded, letting out a sigh of relief she didn't know she was holding upon seeing the normal 'slight of hand' and trick to the ... well trick, offering her a helping hand out of the box. "w-wait, no that wasn't wh-what I wanted to talk about, I w-w-wanted to talk about th-the dildo! where did you even g-get that? a-a-and why?"
Skitts huffed as she looked around the clearing.  "My brother helped with some of the spells.  So when I reached behind your ear, he gave me that."

Skitts frowned.  "So what is a 'dildo' supposed to be, anyway?"


Lilith nodded and stepped forward.  "So I guess you're ready to get out?  Or maybe I should have been more specific in hearing if you want to get out.  Just to make sure there's no misunderstanding..."
[Image: Beta.png]
Harley nodded her head in agreement. “Yes I would like to get out.”
"Yeah, me too," Ella said. "Thanks for the offer."
"... r-really? j-just like that?" April, blinked giving her a rather deadpan stare in disbelief, before simply shaking her head as she sighed in relief. "n-nothing, ... i-its nothing, just .. a p-prank f-from your brother, y-yeah" she sputtered out a quick excuse, her cheeks burning with a slight blush.
"So an inside joke."  Skitts figured.  "Well, assistant, there is one more show.  I shall host it at the clearing before the exits to the swamp and lake.  Prepare yourself."

And Skitts vanished.


Azuros had taken the girls out of their restraints and had paid them an adequate sum of Yrn, enough to buy sweaters and knitting needles for three people.
[Image: Beta.png]

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