Ella would eventually meet a blond Hornkin with a mustache on her mask.

"Hello miss I never seen before.  Would you like a Hot Cat?  It is 1 Yrn each."


April would find a blond Hornkin pushing what seems to be a leaning tree.  "Hey you! Can you hold this up?  It can fall over any minute!"
[Image: Beta.png]
Okay, this seems kinda sus... Ella thought. "Uhh.. Sure..?" Ella pulled out a coin. It was a basic copper coin, with a 1 on it followed by what looked like a cursive Y with a line going through it was an r conjoined into it.: https://prnt.sc/LbXbDKY2k7mS
"then why you pushing it over?" April called out, eyeing the blond hornkin hesitantly while she sneakily tried to reach for one of the seeds, while she hesitantly moved to grab onto the tree, not before looking around paranoid for any traps or how this would backfire on her.
The mustached Hornkin made a show of plopping a hot dog onto a bun and handing it to Ella aftrr accepting her coin.  "Is there anything else you want, miss?"


The Hornkin starts to move away from the tree and double checks that April has a firm stance against it.  "Don't worry, I'll find someone to make the tree more secure.  You just stay there until I get back."
[Image: Beta.png]
"I think I should be good." Ella nommed on the hot dog.
"remind me again why I'm trusting you if last time you guys threw a bed at us?" April mumbled more to herself then anything, keeping a firm grasp on the tree, while making sure her eyes never left the hornkin.
"We warned you about the bed.  Don't worry, we'll be back!"  The Hornkin ran off into the swamp, leaving April against the tree for now.


The hot cat server shrugged.  "Well, it's been a slow day.  I've been hoping to sell thirty Hot Cats by now.  Oh well..."
[Image: Beta.png]
"Well, I mean it's kinda hard to sell anything out here..." Ella said. I mean she's right; a swamp isn't exactly the best place to sell a hot dog.. It's certainly no baseball stadium or Costco.
"sure .... sure" April grumbled under her breath, getting into a better position to hold the tree, curiously looking around the tree to see if it was gonna fall on anything.
Despite its angle, the tree did not feel like it would fall immediately.  April spotted some familiar blond hair in a nearby foliage.


The Hornkin shrugged and packed up their cart.  "I guess I'll have better luck elsewhere."
[Image: Beta.png]
Ella then thought about it. The mustache did evidently look fake. And so, while the Hornkin was distracted by her decision to take business elsewhere, Ella pulled out one of the seeds. She spat on it (because, duh, water), then tossed it at the ground to the right of the Hornkin.
"don't trust them ... should have learned that the first time" April grumbled to herself, shaking her head as she stepped back from the tree, waiting for a few seconds to see if it would start falling, before moving to check out the blonde.
The girl was gathering rope and did not notice April nearby.


The seed quickly sprouted and wove around the Hornkin, turning her into something similar to a wooden mummy.

"Mmph!?"  The wooden not only held the mummy stiff but seemed to silence her as well.
[Image: Beta.png]
April waited a bit, simply watching for the time being, curious to what the hornkin was doing, before throwing her own seed at the blonde, not wanting to sit around for anything she was planning.
"That was easy." Ella said. Ella plucked the mummy out (which shouldn't be too hard since she can lift pigs), then carried her off. "Now, I'm gonna carry you back to that lady, and you're gonna apologize for what you did."
The seed blossomed into wooden strips that caught the Hornkin and turned her into a wooden mummy.

"Mmph!"  Not only did the strips hold her stiffly but also seem to mute her.

And Ella arrives where April is at with a matching mummy.
[Image: Beta.png]
"sorry, but the tree doesn't look likes its gonna fall anytime soon" April said, grabbing the now bound hornkin and back onto the road, checking to make sure the tree still wasn't gonna fall. ".... why did she want me to hold this?"
"No clue." Ella replied. "Anyway, there should be one more. And we got one seed each, so we each have one attempt."
Suddenly, the tree fell over, and in the chaos, the pink-haired Hornkin snatched the mummies!  Thankfully, two mummies are not easy to carry, so Ella and April can follow the drag marks to a cave.
[Image: Beta.png]
"Man... I can lift easier than that..." Ella stretched. "Hannah, let's follow the dirt trail."

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